You can support the non-profit Pure Water for Generations e.V. via three routes:
It’s important to us that you receive complete transparency regarding the use of your donations. As a result, we publish the annual financial report.
Wir versuchen, die Verwaltungskosten für den Verein so gering wie möglich zu halten und unser Ziel ist es, von 1 EURO mindestens 90% in die Wasser-Themen zu investieren.
Aktuell arbeitet das gesamte Team von Pure Water for Generations e.V. ohne Bezahlung. Sämtliche Reisekosten, die Pascal während seines SUP-Natur-Projektes entstehen, trägt er privat.
Total fund ammount
Total fund ammount on 2th of May 2018
Bank account
Recipient: Pure Water for Generations e.V.
Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE32 7015 0000 1004 7980 52
Donat via Paypal
All donors will get a donation receipt from Pure Water for Generations e.V.. When making the transfer, please provide you complete postal and email address so that we can send you a charitable donation certificate by email.
Become a sponsoring member
We are delighted by each and every sponsoring member. The minimum membership subscription rate is 50 euro for private individuals and 100 euro for businesses.
Change to green energy provider, Polarstern
In the future, do you also want to use green energy and support Pure Water for Generations e.V. at the same time?
Then get actual green energy electricity from Polarstern! For each one of you who transfers, Pure Water for Generations e.V. will get 30 euro from Polarstern. You can read more about the roots of this partnership here and the way that the exchange works is explained below
- Go to
- Order actual green energy electricity and/or actual green energy gas (terminable at any time).
- Enter the promotion code “PWFG”.
- Polarstern will donate 30 euro to us